субота, 31 жовтня 2015 р.

The Fault In Our Stars

The Fault in Our Stars

by John Green

The Fault in Our Stars

One of the best I have read

You would like this book if you like Stories about Friendships
Review: This book was one of the best that I have ever read. It is very sad, but amazing through the sadness. The relationship that Hazel and Gus share in this book is really deep and it is amazing that they have a bond like that. What was most interesting is how Gus worries whenever something happens to Hazel, even though he might not be in perfect condition himself, and she does the same for him, even thought she has lung cancer and is still sick. How they care about each other is amazing. In the book, near the end, Hazel and Gus travel to Amsterdam. I would really love to travel to Amsterdam, and the detailed descriptions of some of the places/ things (like the Anne Frank house) made me want to go the even more. I'm not really sure if I can relate to any of the characters too much, because both Hazel and Gus have cancer, and Isaac is blind. But I can relate to both Hazel and Gus because they care for each other and other people deeply even thought their sickness is in the way. I have noticed (through books and life) how people/ characters who were in the hospital for a long time or suffered from a disease have a different way of thinking. They think deeper than some people do. I think that even though I haven't really been through a life-changing event, I can see the world that way too ( some people are just born that way!). Like one of the quotes from the book "Some infinities are bigger then other infinities.", some people have the ability to reach deeper. I would recommend the book to anyone who is okay with books not having happy endings. This book is really good. I think my friend Chloe would also like it because it talks about the Anne Frank house and Amsterdam and me and her have talked about going to Europe. The title of this book is "The Fault In Our Stars" and at the part when Augustus dies, Hazel is thinking about the universe and how the stars did not go well for Hazel and Gus, and so the book is called that. Also, earlier, Gus says "You gave me forever within a number of limited days. And I'm grateful for that." You can tell that the book will not have a "happy ending". And that's when Hazel (and me) realize that " You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world, but you do have some say in who hurts you." ( sad, right? But also true...) There are two covers for this book. One depicts Hazel and Gus laying face to face in the grass, which I like but it makes you think that the end will be happy, while it's not. The other just has the title and author's name in black letter's in white cloud-like shapes with a blue background and quotes from the book. I like both covers, but the second one, a little more.
A tough question I found in this book is when Hazel says "I'm a grenade and at some point I'm going to blow and I would like to minimize the casualties, okay?" to Gus, and she's trying to distance herself from him even though he loves her and she loves him.


For those of you who have been waiting for English publications, here they are. And there will be more coming. This is the rubric that we use for our school project (kind of like last year, except for that each one is separate, not by chapters.) I hope that you will enjoy this format.


by R. J. Palacio

One of the best I have read

You would like this book if you like Stories about Friendships

Review: This book reminds us that it's not what's on the outside that matters, it's what's on the inside. Most interesting was how, in the school that August (Auggie) went to, there were some people that seemed to remember that. They didn't care what Auggie looked like, even thought he was born with a born defect, and they realized that it wasn't his fault and he just couldn't change it. And then there were some people who seemed to think that it was Auggie's fault that he looked like this. And that was sad. I would have liked to visit this school because if I would have gone to their school, I would have supported August. I recommend this book to anyone, but especially people going to a new school or people who are made fun of for what they look like. I liked and related with the character Summer because she was smart and nice and she sat and talked with August although the principal hadn't asked her to. She was just one of those people who have a heart made of gold (not saying I'm like that, I just admire that...). I think the author choose this title because August isn't like other people (especially at his school(except for Summer)). The author also says that the title was inspired by Natalie Merchant's song, Wonder. I like the cover because it just shows us that it's about a boy with birth defects. Also, the background color is pretty. 

Words of the wiser: "When given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind."

субота, 24 жовтня 2015 р.

Щоденник Ельфа

Щоденник Ельфа
Наталка Малетич
Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "Наталка Малетич"
Це одна з моїх улюблених книжок, хоч і прочитана недавно. Вона здалася мені теплою, чистою, глибокою. Прекрасною. Такі слова, як «гарно» чи «цікаво», недостатньо описують цю книжку. Вона гарна і чудова – так, але це нічого не пояснює, бо вона про людські емоції й почуття.
Цим вона мені нагадує дві інші книжки, які можна знайти на поличці улюблених (Наталко Малетич, ваша книжка також уже стоїть там, як Ви й хотіли. ;) Вона того варта.). Це «Мені не потрапити до Книги рекордів Гіннеса» Оксани Лущевської та «Новенька та інші історії» Оксани Сайко. Усі три книжки дуже глибокі, складаються з коротких історій. У всіх ідеться про стосунки хлопців і дівчат і не тільки. Усі три авторки мають свій власний стиль.
Спочатку я не зрозуміла назву книги. І ви теж, мабуть, зараз не розумієте. Для того, щоб її зрозуміти, треба прочитати, особливо – останнє оповідання.
Лесі не подобається, як виглядають її вуха, коли в неї зібране волосся. Потім вона знаходить «Щоденник Ельфа». Це щоденник її старшої сестри Анни, яка померла від раку. Леся дізнається, що в сестри були такі самі вуха, як у неї, і що Анна її назвала. Леся тепер розуміє, що їй бракує старшої сестри. Вона, звичайно ж, зрозуміла б, як Леся ненавидить робити хвостик на фізкультуру.
Це лише одне оповідання, а їх – добрих, веселих, глибоких – у цій книжці багато. Авторка точно описує переживання й думки дівчат-підлітків щодо хлопців, друзів, одягу й того, як їх сприймають інші. Є історії й від імені хлопців. Та я на цьому не знаюся. :)
Одне з моїх улюблених оповідань – про дівчинку Діану, яка хоче сестричку. Ви, мабуть, подумали, що вона хоче меншу сестричку, але ні, вона хоче, щоб батьки всиновили її подружку Оксану, яка живе в інтернаті. Батьки погоджуються.
А далі – історія про те, як Оксанка пристосовується до нового життя. Мені дуже сподобалося, що є дві історії зі спільними героями, але оповідачі різні: Діана й Оксана.
«Щоденник Ельфа» мене розчулив. Книжка чудова й заслуговує на почесне місце на моїй поличці улюблених книжок. Дякую, Наталко Малетич, за таку гарну книгу!
Д.Р.П.А. (Пам’ятаєте? До речі, про автора) Наталка Малетич – автор книги «Про Зайчика-Забудька та інші історії», редактор Видавництва Старого Лева і мама – виховує двох дітей (з того, що чую від батьків, останнє, мабуть, найскладніше :) ).
До зустріч, любі читачі!і